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Can chain link fences be painted?

In most cases
In some cases
Not sure
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Question: Can chain link fences be painted?
Top Answer (32% of 178 votes): In most cases.

Answer: In some cases
Explanation: They usually come silver or color with a wire like coating I’m sure they can be painted but it would be a lot of prepping or a large open dust free area to avoid any overspray and or dust/dirt
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Yes they can be painted but it will be a difficult job to do and requires alot of time and labor depending on how much of fence there is.
Megga painting
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: In some cases but it's super hard and tedious to do so
Srp inc.
Answer: Never
Explanation: Really
S & L Paint Professionals
Answer: Always
Explanation: Anything can be painted. But needs to be maintained. Meaning repainted every five years.
Greg Griffin Painting
Answer: Always
Explanation: Any surface can be painted. It just depends how much the customer is willing to pay and which products are willing to put the money out for it to have them painted. Surface Pros can even paint the rustiest of surfaces, If the customer is willing to pay for a rust adhering primer.
Surface Pros Staining and Coating
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: I must use proper paint
Circle city painting
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: When painting a chain link fence, use specific paint created for chain link fences, such as rust-preventative paint. Usually, it's best to use an oil primer designed for metal before painting a chain link fence. This primer will encourage the chain link fence paint to stick longer to the fence.
Complete Services
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Not with ease but it can be done
Paint choice llc
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Using the right primer and finish it can.
Skyline Painting and Drywall
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: With advancements in technology the materials we use today are far superior and can apply paint to things that once weren't possible.
Cox's Coating's
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: But not really recommended, but you can purchase colored chainlink from your dealer! Most popular colors are black, white and green!
Brandons Fence Experts
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Never tried
RT painting
Answer: Never
Explanation: Chain link fences should not be painted but to ensure they are a long term investment we suggest using galvanized steel and woven wire
Emerson Home Exterior Enhancements
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: We do not paint chain link fences
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Yes, if you want to labor over it to do it properly. To correctly paint the fence, since they are painted electrostatically at the factory, you need to remove as much rust as possible from the fence using a wire brush. Hose the entire fence down and make sure you have all the grass, pinestraw, and cobwebs off of it. Then apply a rust-stopping spray to any areas that are very rusted. After the rust-stop inhibitor, add a coat of metal primer to the fence if it has rust or an old coat of paint on it. Then, lay a large piece of cardboard on the ground, tight against the bottom of the fence. Push the grass at the bottom of the fence down with the cardboard, enabling you to reach the bottom. Kneel on the cardboard and begin rolling metal paint on the fence with a long nap roller. Work down the length of the fence, moving the cardboard as you go. Paint the fence from the top to bottom, getting as close to the ground as possible. Use a brush to get near the ground and beside the poles. Once you have completed one side, repeat this process on the other side. If thjs makes you think replacement might be cheaper, you might be right and I'd certainly get prices on that before taking this on. That being said, if your fence was installed prior to 1978, you probably have lead paint on it and should replace it or call a professional to refinish it who is experienced wjth lead paint abatement.
Clark's Painting
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: It can be but wears out due to movement
AK Reliable Construction Company inc.
Answer: Never
Explanation: Maybe but I never would.waste more paint amd male a mess
Jefferson painting
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: I do not recommend it and i don't do it.
T&M Home Services
Answer: Always
Explanation: It is quite a job because it should be painted with a roller on both sides so that you will not waste paint that you would if you sprayed it.
Sod Sales Direct
Answer: Always
Explanation: Yes of course it's metal you can paint any metal you can pay me anything if you want to wish
efficiency resolutions
Answer: Always
Explanation: A chain-link fence can be painted but it needs to be properly cleaned and all loose paint and rust removed
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Most painters do include interior painting, but more than often painters prefer exterior painting.
Icon Painting LLC
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: It all depends on why you are painting your fence if is it galvanized or do you have a vinyl coated chain link fence give us a call today for an expert analysis
Minnesota Fence Company
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: Never done one but I am sure it can be done.
Action Painting and Handyman
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: It is imperative that the fence be properly prepped and a product that is conducive to metal adhesion.
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: With the proper product yes
Laurie’s Painting
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Yes you can paint a chain link fence they make paint just for chain link fences
All-Pro Painting
Answer: Always
Explanation: There are a lot of different products for this. Make sure you use a good contractor.
popes painting
Answer: Always
Explanation: There is aluminum colored paint for chain link fences, however if the fence is in bad condition an inhibitor primer prior to painting would be recommended.
American Patch and Paint Co.
Answer: Always
Explanation: There's a way to paint just about anything you can point a finger at. The question is will the material you apply stand up to the constant rubbing between links.
S. Williams Painting
Answer: Always
Explanation: Proper Prep and Paint
Coatings by Chris
Answer: Always
Explanation: If you have the right applicator
Scott's Painting
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: You can but they have to be sprayed and you have to use a paint that will stick to the galvanized metal.
Complete Home Painting, LLC
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: I wouldn't recommend this, but almost anything can be painted. A spray machine would do the trick but could waste alot of excess.
Johnnyfin Paints
Answer: Always
Explanation: Yes, chain link fences can be spray painted.
Cantu's Painting Service
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Rustoleum makes a good chain link fence paint. QRemove as much rust as possible and prime where needed.
John's Painting Services
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Spray with primer coat the paint.
DelFavero Decorating Service LLC
Answer: Never
Explanation: Chain link fences do not hold the paint well because of movement, so it is recommended that you not paint them.
Pro Painting & Design
Answer: In some cases
Explanation: yes in some cases it can be proper primer for galvanized fences is required
Answer: Always
Explanation: With proper preparation and the correct paint.
Vitris Painting Service
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: paint fram to match the wire
h.c.lawn& fence
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Using a direct to metal paint
Alpine home repairs
Answer: Never
Explanation: If spray a chainlink fences not recommended Because you will have alto over spray.
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Spray painting opposed to brushing the paint on will be your best option
Rick Skeens Professional Painting Company
Answer: Always
Explanation: A chain link fence can be painted but the type of coating you put on the fence must be appropriate. A DIM ( DIRECT TO METAL product is a rust inhibition material that will bite down tight with ought primer. If you do not want a shinny finish you must prime the fence first with a rust inhibition primer and alow time to dry before top coating the primer with your sheen level and color choice paint
Bushco Contracting
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: Yoy have to buy chain link fence paint.
Brooks and Jones Fence
Answer: Always
Explanation: Again, difficult to paint but sure you can paint it.
Karoll Julian Inc.
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: thy do sell paint for that
Artios Painting 309 788 9432
Answer: Never
Explanation: Not recommended.
Advanced Fence Construction, LLC
Answer: In most cases
Explanation: it can be but it is time consuming ad it takes alot of prep work
Four All Seasons Construction
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